Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Crab bruschetta

If you like rainy days, today would be a great day for you in Iowa. If you like snowy days, today would be a great day for you in Iowa. This year, Old Man Winter or Mother Nature (whichever one of them is behind this) has been finicky and persnickety at best. It was in the 50's while we were on our honeymoon, when we got back there were 40 mph wind gusts and below zero windchills. It's been warmish and rainy the past couple days, but we're supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow with some nice wind tonight, and on Thursday the high is 1. Yeah, that's right. The high is 1. Which means if you include the windchill, we're supposed to be negative 20 something. I'm not complaining, I grew up in Iowa, I'm used to this shizz. But I will say that it's a little harder to remember what -25 feels like when we didn't even hit zero last year. Whether it's global warming or whatever, I would be fine with the temperature shift we've experienced in the past year...this -25 business is for the birds...and they're not even here!
This recipe was very much a throw-together that I made at the very last second for the Wid party we had this Fall at my place. I had a recipe laying around somewhere for crab bruschetta so I had all the ingredients, but I couldn't find my printout, so I just wung it (winged it, wang it?) and this was the result. I had people ask me for the recipe so I guess that meant it was good...I never did get a chance to snag a piece, so I will have to trust my guests and their taste buds.
One thing I would have done normally, but failed to do so because guests started walking in, was brush the bread with olive oil and bake it for 5 minutes at 400 degrees to give it that telltale bruschetta crunch...but these did disappear just the way they were so if you would like to, I think you can get away with skipping that step.
1 baguette, thinly sliced
1 lb jumbo lump meat crab
3-4 roma tomatoes, diced
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 T lemon juice
2 t basil
2 t oregano
2 T olive oil
cracked black pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients besides the bread, and mix thoroughly. Pile the bread slices with the mix and bake for 10-15 minutes at 400 degrees. If you want to have crispier bread as mentioned above, brush each slice with olive oil and bake before the toppings are added, then add toppings and bake as directed.

Main Man is under the weather this week so we've been having a comfort food marathon, which means I will have some great recipes to share with you soon...think crockpot chicken cordon bleu! Stay tuned for sick week postings...comfort foods to make anyone feel better!

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