Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"Gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow."

My herb planter on the deck contains dill (don't ask me why, I need to find something to do with it), basil (probably my favorite fresh herb to have on hand), and cilantro (fresh cilantro is a must for fresh salsa).  It really is a great feeling to walk out onto the deck, pick something from my plants, wash it and add it to a dish...such an accomplishment to make a living thing.  "A garden is a friend you can visit anytime..."

The zucchinis are really coming up...I'm so excited for these this year since my only plant got blown out of the ground last year.  I only got a couple to eat so this year I have 5 plants...let me know if you want extras! "You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt."

I planted super late so I used plants from the nursery for most of my veggies....but the green beans I actually did from seed and they are coming up quite nicely!  "In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." --Aristotle

The habaneros are getting far too much rain, it needs to heat up so I can make some flaming salsa!!  But they're still kicking..."Cares melt when you kneel in your garden."

The maters need some heat too, hopefully they take off soon!  I tilled after this and picked up all the rocks in there too so it looks a lot nicer now, in case you were wondering.  "In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt."

The jalapenos and cucumbers I planted from seed are not up yet, so I don't have much hope for them.  I did see 3 peekers of bright green lettuce that I'm excited for so that should start shooting soon too!  I also have chives and onions that were transplanted from last year...

Here are a couple of my indoor plants as well...Im not sure what this one is as it was given to me in March when Amanda moved from Chicago to Texas.  It looks nice in my little corner in the kitchen though...and I'm pretty pleased it's still alive as it was very dry when I got it.  Roo loves to eat this one and then vom the leaves up on my carpet...awesome.

This one I am particularly proud of as I grew it by myself from a branch of one of mom's plants.  I think it's a habiscus? EDIT: Mama K corrected me, it's a Dieffenbachia plant. It's poisonous to cats but Roo stays away from this one for some reason...smart chica.  It started out as a buried root about 3 years ago and now has quite a few huge leaves on it...it gets bigger and bigger each year.

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