Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fresh fruit smoothies

Although he's not writing it, we'll pretend that this is a guest post from Justin since he was the one who started this smoothie jazz....actually, his brother Tony is the initiator so we can give him props as well!  We shall call these recipe postings from the realms of his mind "Justin's Tasties".  Nice ring to it, huh? I bought a food processor/blender thingie this Spring and have never used a kitchen appliance more...I am in love with the thing.  Like I get legit squirmy/anxiety when Justin tries to use it...I don't want him breaking my precious piece of kitchen equipment. 

Well, we went to the grocery store Sunday afternoon and Justin starts picking up all this fresh fruit....Whaaaaaa?  Bananas (which I happen to have a serious dislike for but are actually decently tasty in a smoothie), strawberries, honeycrisp apples, etc.  Usually when he buys a sack of fruit that he plans on eating, I end up throwing it out when it gets squishy in the fridge....but folks, THE STRAWBERRIES ARE GONE, WE NEED MORE BANANAS, and I SAW HIM EAT AN APPLE (granted it had caramel on it but you gotta start somewhere). 

So, I start wondering to myself....should I try one of these smoothie creations?  So I did.  And Justin wins. This is a great way to start your day and stay full for quite a while, and a great way to get the vits you need from fruit without having to chow down on it all day.

I added a half a banana (remember I have a very irrational hatred for them so there was no way I was adding a whole one), 4 strawberries, a plain yogurt, 1/4 cup skim milk, 1/4 cup orange juice, and 1 T peanut butter (this was my addition for some protein).....

Now....Vrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee   vreeeeee vreeeeee vreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  Liquify that fruit and throw it in the fridge.  He started doing it in the morning at first and had to add ice cubes because it was pretty warm, but if you do it in the evening and throw it in the fridge to grab right away in the morning, it's easier all around!

I just knew I would find a great use for the cups I stole from the cruise ship in February...perfect! Although wouldn't it be great to be sitting in a chair on the beach with my feet in the ocean drinking a miami vice rather than mixing up a healthy fruit smoothie for a pre-run meal??  Man, now I'm depressed....ain't life a B??!

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  1. Yummo, huh? I make similar smoothies several times a week for breakfast or lunch. The banana (even tho you're not a fan) is what gives it the thickness of a shake- not to mention great fiber & potassium. Try adding a whole scoop of whey protein powder (I use vanilla flavor) in each smoothie for a punch of about 18 grams of protein, depending on the brand. Also, I buy fresh fruit in bulk when it's on sale, clean it, cut it up and freeze for 30 minutes in a single layer on cookie sheets (so it doesn't stick together)then bag it in gallon freezer bags. Or I buy packaged frozen fruit with no additives and keep on hand for my smoothies... no need to add ice then! And if you really want to get wild & crazy, try adding a small handfull of frozen or fresh spinach in... the sweetness of the fruit masks the flavor, although you may see some green in there. Boohya... now your getting some leefy greens in there too!
